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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Business Lead Lists

Good Afternoon,


Hope you are doing well!    


I wanted to reach out to see if you would be interested in an Email list of below mentioned industry?


We have the database of the following:


Automobile & Automotive

Electrical Industry

Oil & Gas, Energy & Utility

Chemicals and Plastic Industry

Architects / Construction & GC

Manufacturing Industry

Staffing / Outsourcing / HR

IT & Telecommunication

Healthcare / Physician / Dentist / Nurse list

Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities

Pharmacy Industry

Education Industry (School, Colleges, Universities, K-12, Librarians, administrators and etc.)

Banking / Insurance Industry

Food & Beverage Industry

Travel & Hospitality (Restaurants, Hotels and etc.)

Fleet, Trucking ,Transportation, Shipping, Logistics and Freight Forwarders


Kindly let me know your target audience to send more information (Select any of the following category). 


How do you intend to use the list? Do you plan to run an eCampaign?


Look forward to hear from you. I appreciate your time and patience in advance.


Thanks & Regards,


Mia Benjamin

Business Advisor

Global Data Consultant


If you're not interested to further emails, please reply with the subject line as "UNSUBSCRIBE




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